Valves are products that are rarely noticed, yet they play a vital role in our daily life. Each time you turn on a water faucet or a gas range, or use your water heater, you operate a valve. Valves help preserve our quality of life by controlling flow of all types. They are essential to our homes and to virtually all manufacturing processes, as well as every industrial plant and system. There are a large variety of valves and valve configurations for a wide variety of purposes and conditions: different uses (on/off, control), different fluids (liquid or gas; combustible, toxic or corrosive), different materials (metal or nonmetal) and different pressure and temperature conditions
(low, medium or high pressure applications and low-, room- or high-temperature applications).
Because of their excellent operating characteristics, ball valves are used for the broadest spectrum of applications and are available in a wide range of sizes and materials. |
Gate valves are general service valves that can be made in a broad spectrum of sizes using a variety of different materials. They can meet the demands of a wide range of pressure and temperature conditions. |
Check valves are designed to prevent backflow by constantly keeping fluid flowing in a single direction |
Compact and with a simple construction, butterfly valves facilitate easy pipe arrangement. |
Globe valves are named for their appearance. Compared to gate valves, globe valves are designed to open and close more quickly. Their flow characteristics are changed by configuring their discs. |
Plug Valves are valves with cylindrical or conically-tapered "plugs" which can be rotated inside the valve body to control flow through the valve. The plugs in plug valves have one or more hollow passageways going sideways through the plug, so that fluid can flow through the plug when the valve is open. Plug valves are simple and often economical. |
Valve Spare Parts, Strainers, Flanges, Sphere of Ball Valves and other valve parts. |
Characteristics of Valve by Type
Disc position when opened completely |
Fluid does not remain
in flow passage |
Fluid remains in flow passage |
Fluid does not remain in flow passage |
Fluid remains in flow passage |
Disc actuation |
Vertical |
Vertical |
Rotary |
Rotary |
Manual mode of operation |
Round handle |
Round handle |
Lever handle
Round handle |
Lever handle
Gear operated |
Automatic mode of operation |
Pneumatic /
Electric actuator |
Pneumatic /
Electric actuator |
Pneumatic /
Electric actuator |
Pneumatic /
Electric actuator |
Application |
On-Off |
On-Off control |
Automatic on-off types
can be controlled |
Automatic on-off types
can be controlled |
Operating temperature range |
Wide |
Wide |
Narrow |
Narrowest |
Operating pressure range |
Wide |
Wide |
Slightly narrow |
Narrow |
Face-to-face dimension |
Long |
Longest |
Long |
Short |
Weight |
Heavy |
Heavy |
Heavy |
Light |